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Courses Taught at IIT Bombay

Monsoon 2024 Operations Analysis (IE 503 with Priyank Sinha)
Spring 2024 IEOR for Health Care (IE 709)
Monsoon 2023 Operations Analysis (IE 503)
Seminar (IE 802)
Communication Skills (IE 899)
Spring 2023 IEOR for Health Care (IE 709)
Monsoon 2022 Mathematical Optimization Techniques (IE 609)
Spring 2022 IEOR for Health Care (IE 709)
Monsoon 2021 Mathematical Optimization Techniques (IE 609)
Spring 2021 Integer Programming Theory and Computations (IE 716)
Monsoon 2020 Mathematical Optimization Techniques (IE 609)
Modeling and Computation Lab (IE 507 with P. Balamurugan)
Spring 2020 IEOR for Health Care (IE 709)
Monsoon 2019 Optimization Techniques (IE 601)
Spring 2019 Integer Programming Theory and Computations (IE 716)
Communication Skills-II (IE 792)
Seminar (IE 694)
Monsoon 2018 Computer Programming and Algorithms (IE 505 and EN 417, with V. Ramadesigan)
Discrete Event System Simulation (IE 603 with Mallikarjuna Rao)
Spring 2018 IEOR for Health Care (IE 709)
IEOR Lab (IE 684, with P. Balamurugan)
Monsoon 2017 Computer Programming and Algorithms (IE 505 and EN 417, with V. Ramadesigan)
Communication Skills-II (IE 792)
Spring 2017 Integer Programming Theory and Computations (IE 716)
IEOR Lab (IE 684)
Monsoon 2016 Optimization Models (IE 501)
IEOR for Health Care (IE 709, with Narayan Rangaraj)
Spring 2016 Integer Programming Theory and Computations (IE 716)
IEOR Lab (IE 684, with Vishnu Narayanan)
IES601 (Seminar course for M.Sc.-Ph.D. in IEOR)
Monsoon 2015 Optimization Models (IE 501)
Modeling and Computation Lab (IE 507)
Spring 2015 Topics Course on Applications of Operations Research in Health Care (IE 802, with Narayan Rangaraj)
IEOR Lab (IE 684, with Vishnu Narayanan)
Communication Skills-II (IE 792)
Seminar (IE 694)
Monsoon 2014 Optimization Models (IE 501)
Modeling and Computation Lab (IE 507)
Spring 2014 Integer Programming Theory and Computations (IE 716)
IEOR Lab (IE 684, with Vishnu Narayanan)
Monsoon 2013 Optimization Models (IE 501)
Modeling and Computation Lab (IE 507)
Summer 2013 Industrial Engineering and Operations Research-I (ME407, with Narayan Rangaraj)
Spring 2013 Integer Programming Theory and Computations (IE 716)
IEOR Lab (IE 684)

Courses Outside IIT Bombay Curriculum

Last modified on July 15, 2024