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Ashutosh Mahajan

image of ashu Associate Professor
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
IIT Bombay

(IIT Bombay-FedEx Centre for Advanced Logistics and Analytics)

Research Interests

I am interested in developing theory, algorithms, and software for optimization problems involving discrete choices or integer variables. Also interested in applying Industrial Engineering and Operations Research ideas in industrial and service systems.

Contact Information

Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
Room 104, First Floor, IEOR Building, IIT Bombay
Powai, Mumbai

Email: amahajan@iitb.ac.in
Phone (O): +91 22 2576 9418
Schedule: Courtesy Google Calendar


I am not a physicist nor a nephrologist. I was studying Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization with Sven Leyffer and Todd Munson. I was previously studying Integer Linear Programming with Ted Ralphs at Lehigh and was usually seen to be hanging out with friends.

About this site

All views/ideas expressed are personal and may not comply with those of IIT Bombay or the IEOR Department. This site is powered by:

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Unless otherwise noted, all work on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. The last sentence was copied without permission from Prof Ralphs' homepage. ;-)

last modified on March 26, 2021.