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Series of Lectures on Stochastic Geometry

 Speaker : Dr. Yogeshwaran Dhandapani, Technion

Venue and Time: S9, old CSE Building, 11AM - 12.30PM, 26, 29, 30, April,2013.

Abstract : Stochastic geometry is a subject that deals with random patterns of geometric objects such as points, sets, lines etc. Of late, it has found applications in modelling as well as analysis of wireless networks. These three lectures shall introduce some elementary stochastic geometric models and techniques for wireless networks. I shall assume only basic knowledge of probability for the talks.
Lecture 1 : Percolation in random geometric networks.
I shall introduce Poisson point processes, one of the central objects in our stochastic geometric models. We shall then see various models of random geometric networks and see some basic results about long-range communication in these models or equivalently known as "percolation" in the mathematical community.
Lecture 2 : Connectivity and Coverage in random geometric networks.
We will look at the harder question of connectivity (i.e., full-connectivity) of the network and its relation to the area coverage by the network.
Lecture 3 : Other questions : Capacity, Routing et al.
This lecture plan is tentative and could change depending on audience interest as well as material covered in the first two lectures. We will have brief look at other questions such as capacity and routing that can
be partially addressed using stochastic geometric tools as well as say a little about future directions.

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