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  1. S. Lakhani, M. Vora and A. Mahajan. An OR approach for wordle, INFORMS Transactions on Education, 24, 2023. [PDF]
  2. M. Sharma, P. Palkar and A. Mahajan. Linearization and parallelization schemes for convex mixed‑integer nonlinear optimization, Computational Optimization and Applications, 81, 2022. [PDF]
  3. P. Palkar and A. Mahajan. Mitigating Anomalies in Parallel Branch-and-Bound Based Algorithms for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization, International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO 2022). [PDF]
  4. M. Sharma, and A. Mahajan. Automatic Reformulations for Convex Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization: Perspective and Separability, 20th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2022). [PDF]
  5. H. Kharodawala, A. Mahajan and J. Moorkanat. Multi-modal supply distribution problem, Opsearch, 59, 2021. [PDF]
  6. A. Ladage, D. Baatar, M. Krishnamoorthy and A. Mahajan. A revised formulation, library and heuristic for a chemical tanker scheduling problem, Computers & Operations Research, 133, Sep 2021. [PDF]
  7. A. Mahajan, S. Leyffer, J. Linderoth, J. Luedtke and T. Munson. Minotaur: a mixed-integer nonlinear optimization toolkit, Mathematical Programming Computation, 2020. [PDF]
  8. H. Rahman and A. Mahajan. On the facet defining inequalities of the mixed-integer bilinear covering set, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, 92, 545–575, 2020. [PDF]
  9. N. Hooda, A. Mahajan and O. Damani. A Series of ILP models for the optimization of water distribution networks, Sadhana 44:239, 2019. [PDF]
  10. H. Rahman and A. Mahajan. Facets of a mixed-integer bilinear covering set with bounds on variables, Global Optimization, 74(3), 417-442, 2019. [PDF].
  11. H. S. Song, N. Goldberg, A. Mahajan, D. Ramkrishna. Sequential computation of elementary modes and minimal cut sets in genome-scale metabolic networks using alternate integer linear programming, Bioinformatics 33 (15), 2345-2353, 2017.
  12. A. Kotoky, A. Mahajan, A. Arulselvan, M. N. Belur, R. K. Kalaimani. Minimum controller substructure for generic arbitrary pole placement: Multicommodity flow and TSP based formulations, European Control Conference, Aalborg, pp. 849-854, 2016.
  13. P. Palkar and A. Mahajan. Branch-and-Estimate heuristic procedure for nonconvex integer optimisation problems, Fifth Workshop on Parallel Computing and Optimization, 2015. [PDF]
  14. J. N. Tripathi, A. Mahajan, J. Mukerjee, R. K. Nagpal, R. Malik and N. Gupta. Decoupling network optimization in high speed systems by mixed-integer programming, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2014:1010-1013. [PDF]
  15. P. Belotti, C. Kirches, S. Leyffer, J. Linderoth, J. Luedtke, A. Mahajan. Mixed-integer nonlinear optimization. Acta Numerica, 22:1-131, 2013. [PDF]
  16. Y. Alexeev, A. Mahajan, S. Leyffer, G. Fletcher and D. G. Fedorov. Heuristic static load-balancing algorithm applied to the fragment molecular orbital method. The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (Supercomputing), 2012. [PDF]
  17. M. Mahalik, T. D. Veselka, A. Mahajan, F. T. Bui. Application of a new tool to optimize hydropower day-ahead scheduling and real-time operations, Hydrovision International Conference, 2012. Awarded first prize in the 'Project Management & Operations' section. [PDF]
  18. A. Mahajan. Preprocessing techniques for integer programming. In J. Cochran, editor, Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Wiley, 2010. [PDF]
  19. S. Leyffer and A. Mahajan. Foundations of constrained optimization. In J. Cochran, editor, Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Wiley, 2010, to appear. [PDF]
  20. S. Leyffer and A. Mahajan. Software for nonlinearly constrained optimization. In J. Cochran, editor, Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Wiley, 2010. [PDF]
  21. A. Mahajan and T. K. Ralphs. On the Complexity of Selecting Disjunctions for Integer Programming. SIAM Journal on Optimization, 20(5):2181-2198, 2010. [PDF]
  22. A. Mahajan and T.K. Ralphs. Experiments with branching on general hyperplanes. In W. Chinneck, B. Kristjansson and M. J. Saltzman, editors, Operations Research and Cyber-Infrastructure, 47:101-118, 2009. [PDF]
  23. A. Mahajan. On selecting disjunctions for solving mixed integer linear programming problems. PhD Thesis, 2009. [PDF]

Preprints and Technical Reports

  1. A. Mahajan, S. Leyffer and C. Kirches. Solving mixed-integer nonlinear programs by QP-diving.
  2. A. Mahajan and T. Munson. Exploiting second-order cone structure for global optimization.


  1. Integer Optimization, Algorithms and Software, NSAMSE 2019, VJTI Mumbai, March 2019.
  2. Optimization and Simulation for Decision Making, John Deere India, Pune, December, 2018.
  3. Automatic Reformulations of convex MINLP in Minotaur, Dagstuhl Seminars on Designing and Implementing Algorithms for Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization, held at Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, February, 2018.
  4. A Practical Automated Timetabling System for a Large University, International Conference on "Advancing Frontiers in Operational Research: Towards a Sustainable World" (AFOR 2017) and ORSI Annual Meeting, Kolkata, December, 2017.
  5. Applications of Linear Algebra in Optimization, Short term course on applications of Linear Algebra (RUSA) at Mumbai University August, 2017.
  6. Automatic Reformulation of MINLPs: Separability and Perspectives, Symposium on Operations Research and Mathematical Programming at conference of The Indian Mathematics Consortium (TIMC) and the American Math Society (AMS), IT BHU, Varanasi}, December, 2016.
  7. New developments in Minotaur Toolkit, International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), Pittsburgh, July 2015.
  8. Solving convex MINLPs using Minotaur: Presolving, cuts and more, Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming 2014, CMU, Pittsburgh, USA, June 2014.
  9. MINOTAUR Framework: New Developments and an Application, SIAM Conference on Optimization 2014, San Diego, USA, May 2014.
  10. Exploiting Structure in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization, OPTSUM 2014, Hyderabad, India, JDA Software India, March 2014.
  11. Algorithms for solving convex MINLPs with MINOTAUR, International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), Berlin, August 2012.
  12. Customizing Global Optimization Solvers for Power Flow Problems, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, November 2011.
  13. Solving MINLPs with MINOTAUR, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, November 2011,
  14. Solving MINLPs with MINOTAUR, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, November 2011.
  15. MINOTAUR: A New MINLP Solver, DOE Applied Mathematics Program Meeting, Washington, DC, October 2011.
  16. Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Optimization, IEOR (online) Seminar, IIT-Bombay, October 2011.
  17. Mixed-Integer Optimization for Linear and `Almost Linear' Problems, SAS Institute, Cary, NC, September 2011.
  18. Recent developments in MINOTAUR, INFORMS Midwestern Conference, Columbus, Ohio, August 2011.
  19. MINOTAUR: A solver for MINLP, SIAM Conference on Optimization, Darmstadt, Germany, May 2011.
  20. Discrete optimization problems in science and engineering, Postdoc Brown Bag Lunch Seminar, Argonne National Laboratory, May 2011.
  21. A. Mahajan and T. Munson. Exploiting SOCs in NLPs. INFORMS Annual Conference, Austin, November 2010.
  22. A. Mahajan. Global optimization with MINOTAUR. INFORMS Annual Conference, Austin, November 2010.
  23. A. Mahajan and T. K. Ralphs. Selecting disjunctions for solving MILPs. INFORMS Annual Conference, Austin, November 2010.
  24. A. Mahajan and T. Munson. Solving difficult optimization problems with MINOTAUR. Postdoctoral Research Symposium, Argonne National Lab, September 2010.
  25. A. Mahajan, S. Leyffer and T. Munson. MINOTAUR: A new framework for solving nonlinear programs. INFORMS Annual Conference, San Diego, October, 2009.
  26. A. Mahajan, S. Leyffer and T. Munson. Solving MINLPs using MINOTAUR, LANS Seminar. MCS, Argonne National Lab, 2009.
  27. A. Mahajan and T. K. Ralphs. To branch or to cut: Selecting disjunctions for MILPs. International Symposium of Mathematical Programming (ISMP), Chicago, August, 2009.
  28. A. Mahajan and T. K. Ralphs. In search of optimal disjunctions in mixed-integer programming. Argonne National Labs, Chicago, 2008.
  29. A. Mahajan and T. K. Ralphs. On selecting general branching hyperplanes for mixed-integer programs. INFORMS Annual Conference, Washington DC, October, 2008.
  30. A. Mahajan, M. Guzelsoy and T. K. Ralphs. SYMPHONY: A mixed-integer programming solver, INFORMS Annual Conference. Washington DC, October, 2008.
  31. T. K. Ralphs, M. Guzelsoy, S. Oshkai and A. Mahajan. Warm starting for mixed-integer linear programs. INFORMS Annual Conference, Seattle, WA, November, 2007.


  1. A. Mahajan. Intersection cuts for quadratic constraints. MIP-2010, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, July 2010. [PDF]
  2. A. Mahajan and T. Munson. Recovering second-order cones for solving mixed-integer nonlinear programs. Dept. of Energy Applied Mathematics Program Meeting, Berkeley, May 2010. [PDF]
  3. A. Mahajan and T. Munson. SOC avatars for solving MINLPs (in 3-D). European Workshop on MINLP, Marseille, April 2010. [PDF]
  4. T. K. Ralphs and A. Mahajan. In search of optimal disjunctions in mixed-integer programming. MIP-2009, University of California at Berkeley, June, 2009. [PDF]
  5. A. Mahajan and T. K. Ralphs. How to divide (and conquer): Using general disjunctions for solving mixed-integer programs. Exhibition of Student Research and Scholarship, Lehigh University, April, 2009. [PDF]

Last modified on July 18, 2024