Research Scholar
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, IIT Bombay
Supervisor: Prof. Ashutosh Mahajan
Research Interests:
- Application of OR to Healthcare
- Simulation Modelling and Analysis
- Mathematical models for handling uncertainties in service systems
Lakhani, Simran and Mahajan, Ashutosh and Baheti, Akshay and Kulkarni, Suyash S., Practical Online Policies for Scheduling Patients at a Scanning Facility Under High Demand. Preprint available at
Lakhani, S., Mahajan, A., Baheti, A.D., Kulkarni, S. (2024). Online Appointment Scheduling of Patients in a Resource Constrained Facility. In: Mujica Mota, M., Scala, P. (eds) Simulation for a Sustainable Future. EUROSIM 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 2032. Springer, Cham.
Lakhani, S., Vora, M., & Mahajan, A. (2023). An OR Approach for WORdle. INFORMS Transactions on Education.
Conference Presentations:
- ORAHS2024: Operational Research Applied to Health Services Conference 2024 on Making an Impact: 50 years of healthcare operational research held in Turin, Italy. Presented Appointment Scheduling of Multiple Classes of Patients for a Diagnostic Medical Facility.
- SOM2023: 26th Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management on Sustainability and Resilience in Operations Management held in Shillong, India. Presented A Systems View of a Joint Clinic for Cancer Treatment in a Tertiary Care Hospital.
- POMS2023: POMS India International Conference 2023 on Envisioning the Future of Operations for Sustainability held in Jamshedpur, India. Presented Online and Offline Appointment Scheduling Under Uncertain Service Times.
- EUROSIM 2023: 11th Eurosim Congress on Simulation for a Sustainable Future held in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Presented Online Appointment Scheduling of Patients in a Resource Constrained Facility.
- SOM2022: 25th Annual International Conference of the Society of Operations Management on Managing operations in continued disruption held in Indore, India. Presented Quantitative Models for Managing Patient Flows in Cancer-Specialty Hospitals.
Workshops/Summer Schools:
- Attended and Presented in GIAN course on Advances in Mixed Integer Nonlinear Optimization held at IIT Bombay from Jan 15-25, 2024.
- Attended GIAN course on Optimization of Uncertain Systems: Theory and Practice held at IIT Bombay from Jan 16 -21, 2023.
- Attended summer school on Large Scale Optimization held at IIM Ahmedabad from May 06-13, 2022.
Teaching Assistant:
- IE 503: Operations Analysis Autumn-2024
- IE 709: IEOR for healthcare Spring-2024
- IE 503: Operations Analysis Autumn-2023
- IE 716: Integer Programming: Theory and Computations Spring-2023
- IE 609: Mathematical Optimisation Techniques Autumn-2022
Academic Courses:
- IE 503: Operations Analysis
- IE 507: Modeling and Computation Lab
- IE 605: Engineering Statistics
- IE 609: Mathematical Optimisation Techniques
- IE 614: Linear Systems
- IE 621: Probability & Stochastic Processes I
- IE 630: Simulation Modeling & Analysis
- IE 684: IEOR Lab
- IE 709: IEOR for Healthcare
- IE 714: Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management
- IE 716: Integer Programming: Theory and Computations
- IE 802: Topics in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
- SOM 742: Large-Scale Optimization
Position of Responsibility:
Department Coordinator, Institute Research Scholar Companion Programme (IRSCP), 2023-24.
Academic Background:
- PhD (2021- Present) Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
- B.Tech - Production and Industrial Engineering (2016-2020), MBM Engineering College.
- Email -
- IEOR lab: (+91) 022 2576 4807