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Our Journey

IEOR @ IITBombay was established in 1976 as one of the first interdisciplinary programmes in IIT Bombay. 

Professor P.G.Awate's reminiscences describes the fascinating story of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR) at IIT Bombay since its inception. He vividly recounts the field's journey, highlighting the pivotal moments, the challenges, and the triumphs that solidified IEOR's significance at IIT Bombay.

The figure below presents a summary of the decade-wise growth and achievements of IEOR.

Figure: Evolution of IEOR at a glance (Updated April 2024)


Department of IEOR at IIT Bombay presently offers Ph.D., M.Tech., M.Sc. and B.Tech programs, and is actively involved in research (including sponsored projects), consulting and continuing education in the broad areas of operations research, analytics, AI/ML and industrial engineering.