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Pranav Machingal presented his work at 38th Annual Symposium of the Protein Society held at Vancouver, Canada

Pranav  Machingal Presented a poster titled 'Identifying a structural domain’s CATH homologous superfamily using amino acid composition and Support Vector Machine' at the 38th Annual Symposium of the Protein Society held in Vancouver, Canada from 23-26 July, 2024.

The co-authors of the work are Prof. N Hemachandra (Supervisor, IEOR), Prof. Petety V Balaji (Co-supervisor, BSBE), and Rakesh Busi (PhD Student, BSBE).  In the presented work, one-vs-all linear classifiers were trained to predict if a given protein structural domain belongs to a given CATH homologous superfamily or not, using the domain’s amino acid composition (AAC) as the input feature vector. CATH homologous superfamilies are clusters of protein structural domains that share evolutionary ancestry. 

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