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IEOR e-Seminar by Dr. Moutushi Chatterjee

Title: Univariate and Multivariate Process Capability Analysis for Asymmetric, Unilateral and Circular Specification Limits

Speaker: Dr. Moutushi Chatterjee, Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata.

Date : 20th November 2020

Time: 10 AM.

Abstract: Process capability analysis is one of the most important tools used in statistical quality control. Process capability index (PCI) is mostly a single-valued assessment of a process, and indicates how efficiently a process is producing what it is supposed to produce within the predefined specification limits. Thus, it relates the voice of the customer to the voice of the process. In practice, a quality characteristic may have bilateral (symmetric or asymmetric), unilateral or circular specification limit based on its nature, area of application or any other technical reason. However, the literature of process capability analysis is mostly focused to those having symmetric specification limits. In the current presentation, process capability indices (PCIs) defined for other different types of specification limits are discussed with a special emphasis on my research contribution in this area. A fusion of control chart technique and process capability analysis, known as ‘process capability control chart’ is also discussed. This tool is effective for continual assessment of a process and busts the myth that a stable process is a consistent process. The presentation concludes with a discussion on application of process capability analysis in supplier selection for multivariate processes.

Speaker Bio: Dr. Moutushi Chatterjee received her B.Sc. (Honours) degree in Statistics from University of Calcutta, M. Sc. in Statistics from Kalyani University and M. Tech. and Ph. D. in Quality, Reliability and Operations Research (QROR) from Indian Statistical Institute (I. S. I.), Kolkata, India. At present, she is working as an Assistant Professor of Statistics at Lady Brabourne College, one of the top ranked colleges affiliated to University of Calcutta. Her publications include 13 research articles in international journals, a Chapter in an edited book published by Springer and a handbook on multivariate process capability analysis to be published by CRC Press. She has acted as reviewer for international journals like Technometrics, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis and International Journal of Production Research. Her present research interests include multivariate statistics, statistical quality control. She had exposure to work as consultant in various projects with Government of Gujarat, Government of Maharashtra and Ordinance Factory, West Bengal, and had a brief stint with Union Bank of India as a Manager, Foreign Exchange Department.

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