Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, IIT Bombay
Mobile:+91 6388436571
Email: 20i190003@iitb.ac.in, divyaaj77@gmail.com
Academic Background:
B.Sc.(Hons.) Mathematics University of Delhi , 2017-20
Research Topic: Early Exits in Deep Neural Networks
- CEEBERT: Cross-Domain Inference in Early Exit BERT: Association of Computational Linguistics (findings) (ACL 2024)
- FAIR: Filtering of Automatically Induced Rules: European Chapter of Association of Computational Linguistics (EACL 2024)
- SplitEE: Early Exit in Deep Neural Networks with Split Computing: AIMLSystems 2023
- I-SplitEE: Image classification in Split Computing DNNs with Early Exits: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2024)
- ExxonMobil(Data Scientist):Modelled the remaining time to failure of Mechanical seal of a Multi-phase pump using ML models
- Paathshala Education: Academic Content creator
Position of Responsibility: Joint Secretary Academics(IEOR Dept.) 2021-22, Outreach Manager at TCAAI 2021-2022.
Seminar: Methods of Conjugate gradients for solving Linear systems, under the guidance of Prof. Balamurugan Palaniappan.
MScPhD Research Project I: Weak Supervision in Natural Language Processing, under the guidance of Prof. Manjesh Kumar Hanawal.
MScPhD Research Project II: Weak Supervision in Natural Language Processing, under the guidance of Prof. Manjesh Kumar Hanawal.
Teaching Assistant:
- IE 605: Engineering Statistics(July-Nov 2022)
- IE 506: Machine Learning: Principles and Techniques(Jan-April 2023)
- Autumn 2020
- Spring 2021
- Autumn 2021
- Spring 2022
- Autumn 2022