Prerequisite: Exposure to relevant concepts at undergraduate level and instructor consent
Fundamentals of engineering economy, interest formulas; calculation of equivalence; basic methods of making economic analysis; money-time relationships and cost of capital.
Basics of financial reports and analysis with ratios
Analytical concepts of investment decisions under conditions of certainty and uncertainty; selection of alternatives, risk and sensitivity; applications of break even analysis .
Project life cycle management- selection, cash flow analysis, cost-benefit analysis, cost- effectiveness analysis, risk management and resource management
Economic analysis for manufacturing, marketing and service systems
Value analysis, depreciation and depletion calculation methods; Theory and practice of valuation, Industrial valuation cases;
Economic analysis of repair, replacement and overhaul.
Productivity measurement models; Productivity management and implementation strategies; Learning curve
Technology management ; cost benefit analysis of ERP, CRM, PDM and PLM
Economics of flexibility, lean thinking , reconfigurations , integration and collaborations in supply chains.
Multiple criteria methods for evaluation- multi attribute utility theory (MAUT), AHP, ANP, ELECTRE models and PROMETHEE models
Applications of Goal programming and Data Envelopment Analysis
Venture Management, knowledge networking, management control systems, Card and Balanced Score
- H. G. Thuesen, W. J. Fabrycky, and G. J. Thuesen (1993), Engineering Economy, Prentice Hall International
- E. Paul De Garmo, and J. R. Canada (1997), Engineering Economy, Prentice Hall..
- J. C. T. Mao (1969), Quantitative Analysis of Financial Decisions, Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. NY.
- J. A. White (1987), Production Handbook, Wiley International Edition.
- K. K. Humphreys (1991), Jelen’s Cost and Optimization Engineering, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill International Edition, Industrial Engineering Series.
- C. Walsh (1993), Key Management Ratios, Macmillan India.
- Prem Vrat, G. D. Sardana and B. S. Sahay (1998), Productivity Management - A Systems Approach, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
- R. H. Nanavati (1998), Theory and Practice of Valuation, 3rd Edition, Lakhani Book.
- J. A. Timmons (1999), New Venture Creation, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill International Edition Business Series.
- Prasanna Chandra, Projects –planning , analysis and control, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003