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IE 504: Service & Infrastructure Systems

Prerequisite:  None


This course aims to familiarize students with service & infrastructure systems, and related issues of allocation and deployment of various resources and to introduce techniques to model some planning and operational issues in such systems.

Part 1: Introduction to service systems in the economy, banks, hotels, maintenance centres, call centres, hospitals, emergency services, etc. Basic features of technology and operation of service systems. Measures of performance. Examples of infrastructure systems in the economy. Transport: Road, rail, water and air transport systems. Non motorised transport. Telecommunication systems. Power generation and distribution systems. Common principles of planning capacity and service delivery.

Part 2: Capacity planning for service systems. Modeling of demand for services. Service time modeling. Service performance measures. Planning of service facilities. Crew and personnel planning.
Planning of infrastructure systems. Fixed costs, sunk costs and variable costs of infrastructure. Break even analysis. Introduction to financing and operating of infrastructure systems.
Facility location models. Minimum cost models. p-median and p-centre problems. Concepts of system and user equilibria. Role of pricing in long term use and operation of infrastructure. Introduction to pricing in telecom and transport services. Demand management in energy and power sectors. Peak load and time of use pricing models.


  • Richard D. Metters, Kathryn H. King-Metters, Madeleine Pullman and Steve Walton (2002) Successful Service Operations Management, 2nd edition, Thomson Learning
  • Richard C. Larson, Amedeo R. Odoni (2007) Urban Operations Research, 2nd edition
  • P.A. Steenbrink (1974) Optimization of Transport Networks, John Wiley and Sons
  • Carlos F. Daganzo (1997) Fundamentals of Transportation and Traffic Operations, Pergamon
  • James A.Fitzsimmons, Mona J. Fitzsimmons (2006) Service Management, 5th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill