Prerequisite: Exposure to relevant concepts at undergraduate level and instructor consent
Facilities planning and industrial engineers-An overview, Facilities planning and supply chain management, Facilities planning and Engineering economic analysis, Facilities location problems-application of various analytical approaches, single/multiple facility location problems, Discrete/continuous location problems, Quadratic assignment problems, minimax location problems and covering problems.
Facilities design problems-Structural design, layout design including computerized layout planning and handling system design. Warehouse Management, Application of classical industrial engineering concepts to facilities planning-Work system design including method study and ergonomics; Value engineering .Application of new industrial engineering concepts to facilities planning-Business Process Reengineering, Value added management, Management System Audit and computer simulation.
Appreciation of issues related to facilities planning in conventional and new manufacturing systems. Appreciation of issues related to facilities planning in the context of management of technology. Appreciation of the relationships between competitive strategies, building core competence and facilities planning, Facilities planning and TPM/TQM, Selected case studies using various concepts and techniques of Operation Research-Goal Programming and Integer Programming. Facilities Planning in service sector. Role of SGA's like KAIZEN, QC and POKA YOKE in facilities planning.
- R.L Francis and J.A White (1974), Facilities layout and location-An analytical approach, Prentice Hall Inc.
- J.A Tomkins and J.A White (1984), Facilities Planning, John Wiley & sons.
- M.E Porter (1985), Competitive Advantage, The Free Press.
- D.K. Carr and H.J Johansson (1995), Best practices in Reengineering, McGraw Hill, Inc.
- K.K.Humphreys (1991), Jelen's Cost and Optimization Engineering, McGraw Hill,International.
- P.Cheekland (1981), Systems thinking, Systems Practice, John Wiley & sons.
- B.W. Niebel (1972), Motion and Time study, Richard Irwin.
- L.D.Miles (1971), Techniques of Value analysis and Engineering, McGraw Hill.
- K.Hitomi (1996), Manufacturing Systems Engineering; Viva Books Pvt Ltd, India.
- A.W. Law and W.D.Kelton (1991), Simulation Modeling and Analysis, McGraw Hill International Edition
- G.F.Bell and J Balkwill (1998), Management in Engineering, Prentice Hall India.
- J.M.Apple (1972), Plant Layout and Material Handling, McGraw Hill.