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IE 710: O.R. Applications in Infrastructural and Service Sectors

Prerequisite: IE 601 or equivalent  or Instructor's permission


The course will take up applications from live problem areas in infrastructural and service sectors. Representative applications will be considered in areas such as transport, energy, and telecom .The emphasis will be on the way OR techniques are used in decision making.

The applications will be at two levels: Strategic decisions of long term significance such as design of networks for power distribution or transport will be considered. The second area is in operations management at the tactical level, where applications such as routing, scheduling, time tabling and allocation will be discussed.

Typical problem areas are rail network design and analysis, section scheduling on railway sections, time tabling for vehicles and crew in rail and road operations, analysis of telecom networks and analysis and design of power distribution networks. Solution techniques will be based on mathematical programming and queuing models. The focus will be on detailed modeling from the application area and selection and usage of an appropriate solution methodology.


  • J.D. Patton (Jr.) (1980), Maintainability and Maintenance, Management Instrument Society of America.
  • L. Fortuin, P. van Beek and L. V. Wassenhove (1996), O.R. at WORK, Taylor & Francis Ltd., Londan
  • H. P. Williams (1978), Model Building in mathematical Programming,Wiley, New York
  • M. Florian (1983), The Practice of Transportation Planning, ICTS, Amalti
  • D. Teodorovic (1988), Airline Operations Research, Gorden and Breach Science Publishers, New York.
  • P. A. Steenberk (1974), Optimization of Transport Networks,John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York.
  • B. Frederic and C. Alian(Editors) (1993), Constraints Logic Programming:Selected Research, MIT Press,Cambridg.
  • J. Parikh (1997), Energy Models for 2000 and Beyond,Tata-McGraw Hill, New Delhi.