This page provides information and guidelines for admissions to IEOR programme in IIT-Bombay only. This information is not relevant or applicable to other departments or other IITs. Please contact the concerned departments or universities for application procedures and guidelines.
Before Applying
Visit IITB's MTech Admissions Website, for details on the MTech program in general, admission categories, schedule for the next round of admissions etc. Some additional information is given below.
Q. Is there a written test or interview for admission to IEOR M.Tech. programme?
TA candidates will be offered admission based on GATE scores. IS, PS, SW, RA, RAP, IITB BTech candidates will be selected for admission on the basis of an aptitude test and interview. For specific eligbility for each category, see the information brochure in the MTech Admissions Website.
Q. What are the criteria for admission to IEOR M.Tech. programme?
The criteria depend upon the application category. For TA/RA categories, the performance in GATE is considered. For SW category, past job-experience also counts. Other criteria may be used for IS/PS/SW/TAP/RAP categories.
Q. I do not have a B.E./B.Tech. degree in IE, OR or a related field. Can I still apply?
Yes, we admit several students from different backgrounds depending upon their performance in GATE, written test and interview. While basic knowledge of topics in IEOR is necessary for admission, a formal degree or course work in this topic is not necessary.
Q. Are scholarships available from IIT Bombay for pursuing M.Tech.?
Institute scholarships (Teaching assistantships and Research Assistantships) are available for those with a valid GATE score and those who have B.Tech. with a sufficiently high CPI/CGPA from an IIT. Please see the rules on the IIT-B Admissions Page.
Q. What is the minimum score in required in GATE to apply in TA category?
The minimum score required is not fixed. It is determined on the basis of the number of applications, the qualifying degree (B.E./B.Tech.) discipline of candidates and other factors. It changes year to year.
Q. What was the minimum GATE score required last year for calls to written test and interview?
This information is available through IIT Bombay admissions page.
Aptitude Test and Interview
Q. What topics will be covered in the aptitude test?
We test both APTITUDE and QUANTITATIVE skills. Besides these general skills, we also test knowledge in the topics from (but not limited to) the list below.
- Basic mathematics at the level of B.E./B.Tech.
- Elementary probability and statistics, conditional probability, random variables, expectation and variance
- Differential calculus, maxima & minima, differential equations
- Basic linear algebra
- Permutations, combinations and counting
- Notion of algorithms and flowcharts
- Topics in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, for example
- Optimization, linear programming
- Network flows and related models
- Basics of queueing theory
Q. What is the style and form of question paper of the written test?
Sample questions are available here.
Q. What can be expected in the interview?
There is no specific format or style of the interview. Candidates may be asked about their background, past projects, course-work and motivation besides questions related to the list of topics mentioned above.
Q. What documents should I have ready?
You should keep a copy of your Application Form, GATE score card, a valid photo ID (PAN Card, Voter ID, Aadhar, or equivalent), and any certificates relevant for your academic background (e.g. transcripts, merit certificates, etc.).
Q. My GATE score is more than the cutoffs displayed for IEOR but I am still not shortlisted for test/interview. How is it possible?
On most ocassions we get an overwhelming number of applications above the eligibility cutoffs displayed at the time of applications. This cut-off is merely for application. It does not guarantee shortlisting for test and interview. Of all the applications received we shortlist a pre-determined number based on the gate-score and the qualifying discipline. Many candidates are thus not shortlisted even though they meet the eligibility criteria.
Q. My GATE score is more than the cutoffs displayed for IEOR but I do not see any updates in my application portal about test/interview. Can I still attend the test / interviews for IEOR?
No, only those candidates that have been shortlisted for the test/interview will be considered for admissions. Please check with the admissions office of IIT-Bombay (not IEOR department) if you think that you should have been shortlisted.
Q. I have also been called for interviews in other departments at IITB /NITIE on the same day. Is it possible to manage them?
Yes, you can attend the interviews of the different departments on the same day. Inform IEOR and we can help schedule your interviews such that there is no clash.
Q. Is it possible to have the interviews on the same day as the written test?
Yes, it possble for candidates having interviews in other departments and institutes to have the IEOR interview on the same day as the written test. You need to inform us about this in person at the time of the written test (you can also send an email about this).
Q. I will not be able to attend the written exam on the scheduled date or time. What should I do?
The scheduled date for the written test cannot be changed. It is necessary to appear on the announced date and time.
Q. Can I stay on campus during the dates of the written test/interviews?
For offline interviews, limited basic accommodation will be provided in student hostels for the dates of the interviews. Accommodation for family members and co-travelers may not be available to many candidates. The admissions office usually provides the necessary information in this regard. No prior intimation is required and instructions will be available at the entry points to the campus.
Admissions for Sponsored Candidates (SW Category)
Q. Do I need a certain level of job experience in order to apply for this category?
While there is no strict requirement of a minimum amount of job experience, we strongly encourage only those candidates who have a minimum two years of experience to apply.
Q. Does having a GATE score help my chances in admission under SW?
Yes, a good GATE score will increase your chances of being short-listed for test/interview and also final admission. We strongly encourage candidates with a GATE score.
Q. What type of experience is required?
We encourage candidates with experience in areas/departments relevant to Industrial Engineering and Operations Research to apply.
Q. Does my experience in internships count?
No. We will consider full-time work experience gained only after the graduation of a candidate.
Q. Do I need any letter from my current employer?
Yes, an SW candidate must bring a sponsorship letter from his/her current employer. The format of the letter is available from the IIT-B Admissions Page. Note that a sponsorship letter alone is not sufficient to be shortlisted for test or interview.
Q. How are candidates for SW category shortlisted for test?
We get many applications for SW category, and calling all candidates for test is not possible. The application of candidate who satisifies all eligibility criteria are carefully scrutinized. Limited number of candidates that have appropriate experience in IEOR and have performed well academically in the past are shortlisted.
Q. I am currently unemployed. Can I still apply under this category?
No, you need sponsorship from a company in order to apply under this category.
Q. I am currently in my final year of B.E./B.Tech. Can I still apply under this category?
You may apply only if you are currently employed and have sponsorship from a company.
Q. Is there a written test or interview for this category as well?
Yes, the written test or interview will be held on the same date and time as other categories. The same test is given to all candidates.
Q. What if I have applied in SW as well as some other category?
You will be shortlisted for each category independently. If you are selected in two different categories, you may select an offer in any category.