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IEOR e-Seminar by S. Srivatsa Srinivas

Title: Equilibrium analysis of a capacitated M/M/1 queue under unknown service rates consisting of strategic and non-strategic customers

Speaker: S. Srivatsa Srinivas, Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Day, Date & Time: Monday, 31st August 2020 at 10.00 AM

Abstract of the talk: We consider a capacitated M/M/1 observable non-customer-intensive service queueing system under unknown service rates consisting of impatient customers who make strategic join or balk decisions and patient customers who do not make any strategic decision. In the queueing game among the impatient customers, we show that there exists at least one pure threshold strategy equilibrium even in the presence of patient customers. Further, we find that the minimal pure threshold strategy equilibrium is non-increasing in the proportion of impatient customers and non-decreasing in the waiting area capacity. In the presence of impatient customers, an interesting counterintuitive proposition emerges wherein the blocking probability is not always monotonically decreasing in the waiting area capacity.

About the speaker: S. Srivatsa Srinivas recently defended his thesis for M.S. and Ph.D. in Operations Management from the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. In his doctoral thesis, he focused on analyzing queueing game-theoretic problems in the service operations management context. During his doctoral studies, he was a recipient of the prestigious institute research award presented by the Indian Institute of Technology Madras to select doctoral scholars. Earlier, he completed his B.E. in Industrial Engineering from the College of Engineering, Guindy in 2015. He was the university gold medalist and a recipient of the best undergraduate student award. His areas of interest include service operations management, strategic queueing, public policy modeling and game theory applications. He has won best paper awards in the doctoral consortium of the Society of Operations Management Conferences held at IIT Kanpur (2019) and Ahmedabad University (2017) and in the 3rd DoMS IIT Madras Research Symposium (2019).