A workshop on "Design and Deployment of Kidney Exchange Registries and Deceased Donor Allocations" was conducted on 15th January, 2020 at IIT Bombay by the Department, with the support of Apex Kidney Foundation and Tata Center for Technology and Design (TCTD), IIT Bombay. The aim of the workshop was to bring different stakeholders of organ exchange management in India to discuss the current challenges in kidney transplantation and how technology can help resolving some of those issues. Various aspects of kidney transplantation such as ethical issues, medical challenges and legal process were discussed.
Some of the topics covered during the workshop were:
1. Deceased donor allocations and wait list management.
2. Current challenges in swap and domino transplants, and understanding the Transplantation of Human Organ Act (THO).
3. Setting up national or regional level registries for swap kidney transplants.
4. Future of ABO incompatible transplants and its comparison with swap transplants.
People from various disciplines participated: Administrators, Nephrologists, Researchers and Practitioners. Around 20 Doctors, a few Government officials, and researchers expressed their views on different matters. The conference saw a very intense open discussion to understand the way forward for organ transplantation in India. The workshop had participants from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Telangana, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh and New Delhi.
The workshop was conducted by Prof. Narayan Rangaraj, Prof. Santosh Noronha (Chem. Engineering, IIT Bombay) and Utkarsh Verma (Research Scholar). They were supported by an enthusiastic team of volunteers, Swapnesh, Tejas, Manoj, Siddhartha and others.