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Arun Verma

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Research Associate (Jan. 2021 - March 2021)
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai

Ph.D. Candidate (Jan. 2016 - Dec. 2020)
Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai

Supervisor: Prof. Manjesh K Hanawal
Co-supervisor: Prof. N. Hemachandra

Research Interests
Reinforcement Learning

Arun Verma

Arun Verma, Manjesh K Hanawal, Csaba Szepesvari, and Venkatesh Saligrama, "Online Algorithm for Unsupervised Sequential Selection with Contextual Information” NeurIPS 2020.

Arun Verma, Manjesh K Hanawal, and N. Hemachandra, "Thompson Sampling for Unsupervised Sequential Selection” ACML 2020.

Debamita Ghosh, Arun Verma, and Manjesh K Hanawal, "Learning and Fairness in Energy Harvesting: A Maximin Multi-Armed Bandits Approach” SPCOM 2020.

Arun Verma and Manjesh K Hanawal, "Stochastic Network Utility Maximization with Unknown Utility: Multi-Armed Bandits Approach,” INFOCOM 2020.

Arun Verma, Manjesh K Hanawal, and N. Hemachandra, "Unsupervised Online Feature Selection for Cost-Sensitive Medical Diagnosis,” NetHealth, COMSNETS 2020.

Arun Verma, Manjesh K Hanawal, Arun Rajkumar, and Raman Sankaran, "Censored Semi-Bandits: A Framework for Resource Allocation with Censored Feedback,” NeurIPS 2019.

Arun Verma, Manjesh K Hanawal, and Rahul Vaze, “Distributed Algorithms for Efficient Learning and Coordination in Ad Hoc Networks,” WiOPT 2019.

Arun Verma, Manjesh K Hanawal, Csaba Szepesvari, and Venkatesh Saligrama, “Online Algorithm for Unsupervised Sensor Selection,” AIStats 2019.

Arun Verma and Manjesh K Hanawal, "Unsupervised Cost Sensitive Predictions with Side Information,'' CoDS-COMAD 2018.

Yogesh Simmhan, Anshu Shukla, and Arun Verma, "Benchmarking Fast-Data Platforms for the Aadhaar Biometric Database," WBDB 2015.

Arun Verma, Manjesh K Hanawal, Arun Rajkumar, and Raman Sankaran, "Censored Semi-Bandits: A Framework for Resource Allocation with Censored Feedback,” in Multi Armed Bandit Workshop, Imperial College London, UK, September 25-26, 2019.

Arun Verma, “Online Cost Sensitive Feature Selection in Cascaded Features Problem,” in Asian Universities Alliance Postgraduate Academic Forum (AUAPAF), Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, October 20-22, 2018. Best Poster Award.

Arun Verma, Yogesh Simmhan, N. Hemachandra, "Scalable Online Analytics for IoT Applications using Big Data Platforms," CoDS-COMAD 2017.

RIKEN Seminar (virtual) on "Sequential Decision Problems with Weak Feedback," at RIKEN AIP, Japan on November 27, 2020.

SequeL Seminar on “Censored Semi- Bandits: A Framework for Resource Allocation withCensored Feedback,” at INRIA Lille, France on November 24, 2019.

Talk on “Online Algorithm for Cost-Sensitive Unsupervised Learning,” at RIKEN AIP, Japan while visiting Approximate Bayesian Inference (ABI) Team from April 9-16, 2019.

Lighting talk on ‘Unsupervised Cost Sensitive Predictions with Contextual Information’ at IEOR Day 2018, IIT Bombay on March 17, 2018.

Microsoft Travel Grant and LRN Foundation and COMSNETS Association Internation Travel Grant Award for attending IEEE INFOCOM 2020.

Travel Award from LinkedIn for attending FATE-ML workshop 2020 at IISc, Bengaluru, India.

Google Travel Grant and NeurIPS Travel Award for attending NeurIPS 2019.

Raman-Charpak Fellowship 2018 for visiting SequeL Team, INRIA Lille-Nord Europe Research Center, France from June 2019 to November 2019.

Microsoft Travel Grant and ACM-India/IARCS Travel Grant for attending AISTATS 2019.

Asian Universities Alliance Travel Grant for attending AUAPAF 2018.

HiPC Travel Grant for attending HiPC 2016, CoDS-COMAD travel grant for attending CoDS-COMAD 2017 and 2018.

IITB Research Internship Award 2013-14 by Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre, IIT Bombay.

Teaching Assistantship:
IE 605: Engineering Statistics (with Prof. Manjesh K. Hanawal), Aug. 2020 - Dec. 2020
IE 613: Online Machine Learning (with Prof. Manjesh K. Hanawal), Jan. 2020 - April 2020
IE 613: Online Machine Learning (with Prof. Manjesh K. Hanawal), Jan. 2019 - April 2019
IE 613: Online Machine Learning (with Prof. Manjesh K. Hanawal), Jan. 2018 - April 2018
IE 611: Introduction to Stochastic Models (with Prof. Manjesh K. Hanawal), July 2017 - Nov. 2017
IE 616: Decision Analysis and Game Theory (with Prof. N. Hemachandra), Jan. 2017 - April 2017
System Administrator, IEOR (with Prof. Ashutosh Mahajan), 2016 - present.

Courses (C-Credit, A-Audit, NC-Non Credit):
Autumn 2017: Foundations of Intelligent and Learning Agents (A), Advanced Concentration Inequalities (A)
Spring 2016: Matrix Computations (A), Introduction to Stochastic Optimization (A), Online Learning (C)
Autumn 2016: Foundations of Machine Learning (C), Modeling & Computation Lab (C), Optimization Techniques (C), Introduction to Stochastic Models (C), Seminar (C)
Spring 2015: Probabilistic Models (C), Linear Systems (C), Decision Analysis and Game Theory (C), Communication Skills-I (NC), Communication Skills-II (NC)

Research Experience:
Raman-Charpak Fellow, SequeL Team, INRIA Lille-Nord Europe Research Center, France from June 2019 to November 2019.
Research Intern, Machine Learning & Statistics Group, Conduent Labs Bengaluru, India from August 2018 to November 2018.
Research Staff, DREAM Lab, Department of Computational and Data Sciences, Indian Institute of Science from July 2015 to December 2015.
Research Assistant, SYNERG Lab, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay from July 2014 to June 2015.
Research Intern, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay from January 2014 to June 2014.

Academic Services
Volunteer: NeurIPS 2020, ICLR 2021, AIStats 2021, ICML 2021.
Reviewer: NeurIPS 2020, AAAI 2021, ICLR 2021, IJCAI 2021 (PC), ICML 2021, NeurIPS 2021.

E-mail- v.arun[AT], arunverma100[AT]