This webpage is no longer maintained. Research Associate (Jan. 2021 - March 2021) Ph.D. Candidate (Jan. 2016 - Dec. 2020) Supervisor: Prof. Manjesh K Hanawal Research Interests |
Publications: Arun Verma, Manjesh K Hanawal, and N. Hemachandra, "Thompson Sampling for Unsupervised Sequential Selection” ACML 2020. Debamita Ghosh, Arun Verma, and Manjesh K Hanawal, "Learning and Fairness in Energy Harvesting: A Maximin Multi-Armed Bandits Approach” SPCOM 2020. Arun Verma and Manjesh K Hanawal, "Stochastic Network Utility Maximization with Unknown Utility: Multi-Armed Bandits Approach,” INFOCOM 2020. Arun Verma, Manjesh K Hanawal, and N. Hemachandra, "Unsupervised Online Feature Selection for Cost-Sensitive Medical Diagnosis,” NetHealth, COMSNETS 2020. Arun Verma, Manjesh K Hanawal, Arun Rajkumar, and Raman Sankaran, "Censored Semi-Bandits: A Framework for Resource Allocation with Censored Feedback,” NeurIPS 2019. Arun Verma, Manjesh K Hanawal, and Rahul Vaze, “Distributed Algorithms for Efficient Learning and Coordination in Ad Hoc Networks,” WiOPT 2019. Arun Verma, Manjesh K Hanawal, Csaba Szepesvari, and Venkatesh Saligrama, “Online Algorithm for Unsupervised Sensor Selection,” AIStats 2019. Arun Verma and Manjesh K Hanawal, "Unsupervised Cost Sensitive Predictions with Side Information,'' CoDS-COMAD 2018. Yogesh Simmhan, Anshu Shukla, and Arun Verma, "Benchmarking Fast-Data Platforms for the Aadhaar Biometric Database," WBDB 2015. |
Poster Arun Verma, “Online Cost Sensitive Feature Selection in Cascaded Features Problem,” in Asian Universities Alliance Postgraduate Academic Forum (AUAPAF), Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, October 20-22, 2018. Best Poster Award. Arun Verma, Yogesh Simmhan, N. Hemachandra, "Scalable Online Analytics for IoT Applications using Big Data Platforms," CoDS-COMAD 2017. |
Talks SequeL Seminar on “Censored Semi- Bandits: A Framework for Resource Allocation withCensored Feedback,” at INRIA Lille, France on November 24, 2019. Talk on “Online Algorithm for Cost-Sensitive Unsupervised Learning,” at RIKEN AIP, Japan while visiting Approximate Bayesian Inference (ABI) Team from April 9-16, 2019. Lighting talk on ‘Unsupervised Cost Sensitive Predictions with Contextual Information’ at IEOR Day 2018, IIT Bombay on March 17, 2018. |
Awards Travel Award from LinkedIn for attending FATE-ML workshop 2020 at IISc, Bengaluru, India. Google Travel Grant and NeurIPS Travel Award for attending NeurIPS 2019. Raman-Charpak Fellowship 2018 for visiting SequeL Team, INRIA Lille-Nord Europe Research Center, France from June 2019 to November 2019. Microsoft Travel Grant and ACM-India/IARCS Travel Grant for attending AISTATS 2019. Asian Universities Alliance Travel Grant for attending AUAPAF 2018. HiPC Travel Grant for attending HiPC 2016, CoDS-COMAD travel grant for attending CoDS-COMAD 2017 and 2018. IITB Research Internship Award 2013-14 by Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre, IIT Bombay. |
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