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Tushar Shankar Walunj


Research Scholar

Industrial Engineering and Operations Research,

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.



Prof. Veeraruna Kavitha

Prof. Jayakrishnan Nair


Research Interests

Game Theory, Reinforcement Learning, Queueing Theory, Optimization.

Academic Background:

  • M.Sc - Ph.D. in Operations Research (2019- present), IE&OR, IIT Bombay, Mumbai
  • B.Sc Mathematics (2016-2019), S.P. CollegePune University, Pune

Academic Publications:

  • Tushar Shankar Walunj, Shiksha Singhal, Veeraruna Kavitha, and Jayakrishnan Nair, 2022, September. Pricing, competition and market segmentation in ride hailing. In 2022 58th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  • Tushar Shankar Walunj, Shiksha Singhal, Jayakrishnan Nair, and Veeraruna Kavitha, 2023. On the interplay between pricing, competition and QoS in ride-hailing. Under review at ANOR, 2023. (arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.14496.)
  • Gurkirat Wadhwa, Tushar Shankar Walunj, and Veeraruna Kavitha. ``Partition-form Cooperative Games in Two-Echelon Supply Chains.'' ICORES 2024: 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, 2024.

Teaching Assistant:


Core: Optimization Models, Operations Analysis, Computer Programming and Algorithms, Engineering Statistics, Modeling and Computation Lab (IE 507), ​Probabilistic Models, Service and Infrastructure Systems, Linear Systems, Decision Analysis and Game Theory, Optimization Techniques, Economics, Probability and Stochastic Processes II, IEOR Lab.

Electives:  Foundations of Machine Learning, Networks, Games and Algorithms, Applied Mathematical Analysis in Engineering, Matrix Computation, Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management, Integer Programming: Theory and Computations,  Networks, Games and Algorithms, Simulation Modeling and Analysis, Markov decision processes, Topics in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Markov Chains and Queuing Systems. 

Position of Responsibility: Student Companion, Institute Student Companion Programme (ISCP), 2020-21