Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Department
IIT Bombay, Powai
Mumbai 400 076, India
Email : vkavitha[AT]
Office: Room 103, First Floor, IEOR Building
Phone (Internal(O)) : (0091 22) - 2576 9417
Phone (Internal(R)) : (0091 22) - 2576 8417
Fax : (0091 22) - 2572 6875 / (0091 22) - 2572 3480
Courses proposed and taught: IE 606, IE 618 and IE 807
Teaching /taught: IE 622, IE 621, IE 611, IE 507, IE 708, IE 616, IE 612, IE 802 and IE 614
Past Students
- M Venkateswra Rao K
- Ranbir Singh
- Indrajit Saha
- Vartika Singh
- Shiksha Singhal
- Khushboo Agarwal
Ph.D. students (Submitted)
- Uday Kumar
Current Students
PhD students
- Doctorate (2007), ECE Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
- MSc (Engg.) (2002), Indian Institute of Science, India.
- B.E. (1994), UVCE, Electronics, Bangalore University, India India
Work Experience
- Associate Professor @ IEOR Department, IIT Bombay (1/08/2019 onwards)
- Assistant Professor @ IEOR Department, IIT Bombay (15/5/2012 to 1/07/2019).
- Principal Research Scientist @ Mymo Wireless, Bangalore, India (3/2012 - 05/2012).
- Research Lead @ SRM Research Institute, Bangalore, India (12/2011 - 2/2012).
- Post Doctoral Fellow @ MAESTRO, INRIA and LIA, University Avignon, France (08/2008 - 11/2011).
- Post Doctoral Fellow @ Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore, India (04/2007 - 07/2008)
- Project Leader @ Accord Software and Systems Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India (09/1994 - 07/2000)
Research Interests
Stochastic processes, Performance analysis, Queuing theory, Optimal control, Game theory, Stochastic approximation, Markov decision processes, Wireless communications, Supply chains
Publications and Thesis
Journals (Accepted or published)
- Agarwal, Khushboo, Konstantin Avrachenkov, Raghupati Vyas, and Veeraruna Kavitha. "Two Choice Behavioral Game Dynamics with Myopic-Rational and Herding Players." Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (2025).
- Agarwal, Khushboo, and Veeraruna Kavitha. "Total-current population-dependent branching processes: analysis via stochastic approximation." Stochastics (2024): 1-34.
- Vartika Singh and Veeraruna Kavitha. "Partial information games and competitive advertising". Dynamic Games and Applications. 2023.
- Vartika Singh and Veeraruna Kavitha. "Stochastic vaccination game among influencers, leader and public". Accepted at Dynamic Games and Applications. 2023.
- Khushboo Agarwal and Veeraruna Kavitha "Robust fake-post detection against real-coloring adversaries", Elsevier Performance Evaluation, 2023
- U. M. Kumar, Veeraruna Kavitha, S. P. Bhat and N. Hemachandra, "Optimal Markov Policies for Finite-Horizon Constrained MDPs With Combined Additive and Multiplicative Utilities," in IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, pp. 2029-2034, 2023, doi: 10.1109/LCSYS.2023.3283470.
- Uday Kumar, S.P. Bhat, Veeraruna Kavitha and Nandyala Hemachandra 2023. Approximate solutions to constrained risk-sensitive Markov decision processes. European Journal of Operational Research 2023.
- Kiran Chaudary Veeraruna Kavitha and Jayakrishnan Nair, "Dynamic scheduling in a partially fluid, partially lossy queueing system", ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems 2023
- Indrajit Saha and Veeraruna Kavitha "Systemic-Risk and Evolutionary Stable Strategies in a Financial Network", Dynamic Games and Applications, 2023
- Dhounchak, Ranbir, Veeraruna Kavitha, and Eitan Altman. "Viral marketing branching processes." Computer Communications 198 (2023): 140-156.
- Indrajit Saha and Veeraruna Kavitha "Random fixed points, systemic risk and resilience of heterogeneous financial network." Annals of Operations Research (2022): 1-51.
- Shiksha Singhal and Veeraruna Kavitha "Coalition Formation Resource Sharing Game in Networks", Elsevier Performance Evaluation.
- Suyog Kapsikar, Indrajit Saha, Khushboo Agarwal, Veeraruna Kavitha, and Quanyan Zhu, "Controlling Fake News by Collective Tagging: A Branching Process Analysis". IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2020
- Veearuna Kavitha, Mayur Zambre and N. Hemachandra, "Opportunistic Schedulers: Price for Fairness?" Computer Communications, 2019.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Manu K. Gupta, Veronique Capdevielle, Rahul Kishor M and Majed Haddad, "Speed Based Optimal Power Control in Small Cell Networks" Computer Communications, 142, 2019.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Jayakrishnan Nair, and Raman Kumar Sinha, "Pseudo conservation for partially fluid, partially lossy queueing systems," Annals of Operations Research, pp 1-38, 2018.
- Salman Memon, Veeraruna Kavitha, Manjesh K. Hanawal, Eitan Altman, and R. Devanand "User Response Based Recommendations", accepted in Volume 11227, Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Richard Combs, "Mixed Polling with Rerouting and Applications", Performance Evaluation 70.11 (2013): 1001-1027. A version is avialable at
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Eitan Altman, Rachid Elazouzi, Rajesh Sundareshan, "Fair scheduling in cellular systems in the presence of noncooperative mobiles" Networking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on 22.2 (2014): 580-594
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Sreenath Ramanath and Eitan Altman, "Satisfying Demands in multicellular networks: A universal power allocation algorithm", Volume 36, Issue 12, 1 Pages 1373–1386, Elsevier Computer Communications (Special issue on selected papers from WiOpt 2011) July 2013,
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Vinod Sharma "Optimal MSE Solution for a Decision Feedback Equalizer" EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2012(1), 1-16.
- Veeraruna Kavitha and Eitan Altman, "Continuous Polling models and Application to Ferry Assisted WLAN" , Annals of Operations Research, Volume 198, Number 1 (2012).
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Eitan Altman, Rachid Elazouzi, Rajesh Sundareshan, "Opportunistic scheduling in cellular systems in the presence of non-cooperative mobiles" Vol 58, No 3, IEEE Trans. Information Theory, March 2012.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Sreenath Ramanath and Eitan Altman, "Spatial queuing analysis for design and dimensioning of Picocell networks with mobile users", vol 68, issue 8, Elsevier Performance Evaluation, August 2011 (Special issue on selected papers from WiOpt 2010).
- Eitan Altman, Tamer Basar and Veeraruna Kavitha, "Adversarial Control in a Delay Tolerant Network", IEEE ComSoc MMTC E-Letter Special Issue on GameSec and Multimedia Security, April 2011.
- Taposh Banerjee, Vinod Sharma, Veeraruna Kavitha and A. K. JayaPrakasam, "Generalized Analysis of a Distributed Energy Efficient Algorithm for Change Detection", vol 10, pp. 91-101, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Jan 2011.
Book chapter
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Sreenath Ramanath and Eitan Altman, "Mobility in small cell networks", Small Cell Networks: Deployment, PHY Techniques and Resource Management, 2013, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS
Conference Papers
- Agarwal, Khushboo, Konstantin Avrachenkov, Raghupati Vyas, and Veeraruna Kavitha. "Two Choice Behavioral Game Dynamics with Myopic-Rational and Herding Players." Sigmetrics (2025).
Khushboo Agarwal, Konstantin Avrachenkov, Veeraruna Kavitha and Raghupati Vyas, "Balancing rationality and social influence: Alpha-rational Nash equilibrium in games with herding", GAMENETS 2025.
- Riya Sultana and Veeraruna Kavitha, "Cooperate or Compete: Coalition Formation in Congestion Games", CDC 2024.
- Vartika Singh, and Veeraruna Kavitha. "Constrained Stochastic Games Including Risk-Sensitive Utility." 2024 American Control Conference (ACC). IEEE, 2024.
- Shiksha Singhal, Veeraruna Kavitha and V. Shankar, "Social Optimal Freshness in Multi-Source, Multi-Channel Systems via MDP," 2024 16th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS), Bengaluru, India, 2024.
- Gurkirat Wadwa, Tushar Shankar Walunj, and Veeraruna Kavitha, "Partition-form Cooperative Games in Two-Echelon Supply Chains" ICORES 2024, Rome, Italy.
- Khushboo Agarwal and Veeraruna Kavitha "Robust fake-post detection against real-coloring adversaries", IFIP Performance 2023 (Best student paper award).
- U. M. Kumar, Veeraruna Kavitha, S. P. Bhat and N. Hemachandra, "Optimal Markov Policies for Finite-Horizon Constrained MDPs With Combined Additive and Multiplicative Utilities," CDC 2023.
- Vartika Singh and Veeraruna Kavitha, "Fixed-Point Equations Solving Risk-Sensitive MDP with Constraint ", 2023 American Control Conference (ACC).
- Khushboo Agarwal, and Veeraruna Kavitha, "Single-Out Fake Posts: Participation Game and Its Design", 2023 American Control Conference (ACC).
- Madhu Dhiman, Chen Peng, Veeraruna Kavitha and Quanyan Zhu, "Integrative Modeling and Analysis of the Interplay between Epidemic and News Propagation Processes", 2023 American Control Conference (ACC).
- Tushar Shankar, Walunj, Tushar Shankar, Shiksha Singhal, Veeraruna Kavitha, and Jayakrishnan Nair, "Pricing, competition and market segmentation in ride hailing." 2022 58th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton). IEEE, 2022.
- Singh, Vartika, and Veeraruna Kavitha. "Fair opportunistic schedulers for Lossy Polling systems." ITC 2022
- Singhal, Shiksha, Veeraruna Kavitha, and Sreenath Ramanath. "AoI-Based Opportunistic-Fair mmWave Schedulers." ITC 2022
- Agarwal, Khushboo, and Veeraruna Kavitha. "Saturated total-population dependent branching process and viral markets." CDC 2022
- Vartika Singh, Khushboo Agarwal, Shubham and Veeraruna Kavitha, "Evolutionary Vaccination Games with premature vaccines to combat ongoing deadly pandemic" Valuetools 2021.
- Shiksha Singhal, Veeraruna Kavitha1 and Jayakrishnan Nair "Coalition formation in constant sum queueing games", CDC 2021
- Richa Dhingra, Hansraj Satyam Verma, Alexandre Reiffers-Masson and Veeraruna Kavitha "Multi-page Menu Recommendation in Cascade Model with Externalities", CDC 2021
- Khushboo Agarwal and Veeraruna Kavitha, "Co-Virality of Competing Content over OSNs?", in Networking 2021
- Suyog Kapsikar, Indrajit Saha, Khushboo Agarwal, Veeraruna Kavitha, & Quanyan Zhu, Controlling Fake News by Collective Tagging: A Branching Process Analysis, ACC 2021
- R. S. Prakash, N. Karamchandani, V. Kavitha and S. Moharir, "Partial Service Caching at the Edge," 2020 18th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOPT), Volos, Greece, 2020, pp. 1-8.
- Vartika Singh and Veeraruna Kavitha "Asymmetric Information Acquisition Games", CDC 2020
- Guanze Peng, Veeraruna Kavitha and Quanyan Zhu, “On Optimal Control of Discounted Cost Infinite-Horizon Markov Decision Processes Under Local State Information Structures” IFAC 2020.
- Indrajit Saha and Veeraruna Kavitha, "Financial replicator dynamics: emergence of systemic-risk-averting strategies", NetGCoop'20
- M Venkateswararao K and Veeraruna Kavitha,"Dynamic Bus Dispatch Policies", NetGCoop'20
- Veeraruna Kavitha and Eitan Altman, "Controlling Packet Drops to Improve Freshness of information", NetGCoop'20
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Mayank Maheshwari and Eitan Altman, "Acquisition Gams with Partial-Asymmetric Information" Allerton 2019.
- Yunhan Huang, Veeraruna Kavitha Voleti and Quanyan Zhu, "Continuous-Time Markov Decision Processes with Controlled Observations", Allerton 2019.
- Kiran Chaudhary, Veeraruna Kavitha and Jayakrishnan Nair, "Dynamic scheduling in a partially fluid, partially lossy queueing system", WiOpt 2019, Avignon, France.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Eitan Altman and Sreenath Ramanath, "Epidemic Enhanced Cellular Networks", accepted at SPASWIN workshop held in conjunction with WiOpt 2019, Avignon, France.
- Uday Kumar M, Sanjay P Bhat, Veeraruna Kavitha and N. Hemachandra, "Ultimately Stationary Policies to Approximate Risk-Sensitive Discounted MDPs" Valuetools 2019.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Indrajit Saha, and Sandeep Juneja, "Random Fixed Points, Limits and Systemic risk", CDC 2018
- Ranbir Dhounchak, Veeraruna Kavitha and Yezekael Hayel, "To Participate or Not in a Coalition in Adversarial Games", Interational Conference, NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization (NETGCoop), 2018.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Salman Memon, Manjesh K. Hanawal, Eitan Altman, and R. Devanand. "User response based recommendations: A local angle approach." 10th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS), 2018, pp. 73-80. IEEE, 2018 (Best Paper Honourable Mention).
- M. Venkateswararao, Veeraruna Kavitha, and Urtzi Ayesta. "Bus schedule for optimal bus bunching and waiting times", In ITS WorkShop held along with International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS), 2018 pp. 607-612. IEEE, 2018 (Best Paper).
- Ranbir Dhounchak, Veeraruna Kavitha and Eitan Altman, "A Viral Timeline Branching Process to study a Social Network," Teletrac Congress (ITC 29), 2017 29th International., 2017, Genoa.
- Veeraruna Kavitha and Raman Kumar Sinha, "Achievable region with impatient customers," VALUETOOLS 2017 - 11th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools, Venice, Italy.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Atul Kumar and N. Hemachandra, "Finite Horizon Risk Sensitive MDP and Linear Programming", CDC 2015
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Atul Kumar and N. Hemachandra, "Power Constrained DTNs: Risk MDP-LP Approach" Device-to-Device Communications (D2D) workshop held in conjunction with WiOpt 2015.
- Veeraruna Kavitha and M. Venkateswara Rao K., "Performance Analysis of Serve on the Move Wireless LANs", Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless Networks (SPASWIN) workshop held in conjunction with WiOpt 2015.
- Malhar Mehta, Veeraruna Kavitha and Hemachandra N "Price of Fairness for Opportunistic and Priority Schedulers," Infocom 2015, HongKong.
- Ayush Rawal, Veeraruna Kavitha and Manu K. Gupta, “Optimal Surplus Capacity Utilization in Polling Systems via Fluid Models” 12th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, WiOpt 2014 conference to be held Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2014.
- Deeksha Sinha, Veeraruna Kavitha and Abhay Karandikar"Load Dependent Optimal ON-OFF Policy in Cellular Heterogeneous Networks" (Best paper award) 5th International Workshop on Indoor and Outdoor Small Cells, HAMMAMET, Tunisia, May 2014 (Best paper award).
- Veeraruna Kavitha, N. Hemachandra and Debayan Das, "Fairness via priority scheduling", Allerton 2013.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Veronique Capdevielle and Manu K. Gupta "Small Cell Networks: Speed Based Power Allocation" Allerton 2013.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Tejas Bodas and D. Manjunath, "On-Demand OFDMA: Control, Fairness and Non-Cooperation" 11th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, WiOpt 2013.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Sreenath Ramanath and Eitan Altman "Analysis of Small Cell Networks with Randomly Wandering Users" WiOpt, 10th International Symposium of Modeling and Optimization of Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, 2012.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Sreenath Ramanath and Merouane Debbah, "Satisfying Demands in Heterogeneous Networks", RaWNet, 8th International Workshop on Resource Allocation and Cooperation in Wireless Networks 2012.
- Veeraruna Kavitha "Continuous Polling with Rerouting and Applications to Ferry Assisted Wireless LANs", ValueTools 2011, Cachan, Paris.
- Eitan Altman, Veeraruna Kavitha, Francesco De Pellegrini, Vijay Kamble and Vivek Borkar, "Risk sensitive optimal control framework applied to delay tolerant networks", InfoCom 2011, Shanghai, China.
- Sreenath Ramanath, Veeraruna Kavitha, Eitan Altman, "Open Loop Optimal Control of Base Station Activation for Green Networks", WiOpt 2011
- Sreenath Ramanath, Veeraruna Kavitha, Merouane Debbah, "Satisfying Demands in a Multicellular Network: An Universal Power Allocation Algorithm", WiOpt 2011.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Eitan Altman, Rachid Elazouzi and Rajesh Sundareshan, "Fair scheduling in cellular systems in the presence of noncooperative mobiles" InfoCom 2010, Mar 15-19, San Diego, USA.
- Veeraruna Kavitha and Eitan Altman, "Analysis and Design of Message Ferry Routes in Sensor Networks using Polling Models" WiOpt 2010, May 31-Jun 04, Avignon, France
- Sreenath Ramanath, Veeraruna Kavitha and Eitan Altman, "Spatial queuing analysis for mobility in pico cell networks" WiOpt 2010, May 31-Jun 04, Avignon, France
- Eitan Altman, Tamer Basar and Veeraruna Kavitha, "Adversarial Control in a Delay Tolerant Network" T. Alpcan, L. Buttyan, and J. Baras (Eds.): GameSec 2010, LNCS 6442, pp. 87-106, 2010.
- Veeraruna Kavitha and Eitan Altman, "Opportunistic Scheduling of a Message Ferry in Sensor Networks" MobiOpp 2010, February, Pisa, Italy.
- Sreenath Ramanath, Veeraruna Kavitha, Eitan Altman, "Impact of mobility on call block, call drops and optimal cell size in small cell networks", PIMRC 2010, Workshop on Indoor and Outdoor Femto Cells, Istanbul, Turkey
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Eitan Altman, Rachid Elazouzi, Rajesh Sundareshan, "Opportunistic scheduling in cellular systems in the presence of non-cooperative mobiles" CDC 2009
- Essaid Sabir, Rachid El-Azouzi, Veeraruna Kavitha, Yezekael Hayel and El-Houssine Bouyakhf, "Stochastic Learning Solution for Constrained Nash Equilibrium Throughput in Non Saturated Wireless Collision Channels" GameCom 2009
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Eitan Altman, "Queueing in Space: design of Message Ferry Routes in sensor networks" ITC 2009
- Sreenath Ramanath, Eitan Altman, Vinod Kumar, Veeraruna Kavitha, Laurent Thomas, ‘Fair assignment of base stations in cellular networks’, 22nd World Wireless Research Forum (WWRF) Conference, May 5-7, 2009, Paris, France
- T. Benerjee, V. Kavitha and V. Sharma, 'Energy Efficient Change Detection over a MAC using Physical Layer Fusion', ICASSP 2008.
- V. Kavitha and V. Sharma, "Tracking Analysis of an LMS Decision Feedback Equalizer for a Wireless Channel", 13th European Wireless Conference, Paris, France, April 2007.
- V. Kavitha and V. Sharma, "Analysis of an LMS Linear Equalizer for Fading Channels in Decision Directed mode", 13th European Wireless Conference, Paris, France, April 2007.
- V. Kavitha and V. Sharma, "Tracking performance of an LMS-Linear Equalizer for fading channels", 44th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, USA, September 2006.
- V. Kavitha and V. Sharma, "LMS versus Wiener filter for a Decision Feedback Equalizer", 44th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, USA, September 2006.
- V Kavitha and V Sharma, "Comparison of training, blind and semiblind equalizers in MIMO fading systems using capacity as measure", Proc.IEEE Conference, ICASSP 05, USA.
- V Kavitha and V Sharma, "Information theoretic comparison of training, blind and semiblind signal separation algorithms in MIMO systems", International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2004. SPCOM '04, 11-14 Dec. 2004, pp. 407 - 411, Bangalore, India.
- Amaranada Reddy, Archana Nayak, Gurucharan, Veeraruna Kavitha, Sreenath Ramanath, "Implementation of a Multi-Channel Baseband CDMA Receiver on a ADSP2189M Processor", International Digital Signal Processing Conference 2001, Boston, USA.
Thesis and Technical Reports
- Shiksha Singhal, Veeraruna Kavitha and Jayakrishnan Nair, "Coalition formation in constant sum queueing games"
- Vartika Singh and Veeraruna Kavitha "Asymmetric Information Acquisition Games"
- Indrajit Saha and Veeraruna Kavitha "Financial replicator dynamics: emergence of systemic-risk-averting strategies"
- M.Venkateswara Rao, Thesis, "Optimal Control of Bunching and Serve on Move WLANs in
Intelligent Transportation Systems" - M. Venkateshwara Rao and Veeraruana Kavitha "Dynamic Bus Bunching Policies"
- Ranbir Dhounchak, Veeraruna Kavitha and Yeze K. "To Participate or Not in a Coalition in Adversarial Games", a technical report.
- Ranbir Dhounchak, Veeraruna Kavitha and Eitan Altman, "A Viral Timeline Branching Process to study a Social Network", a technical report.
- Veeraruna Kavitha and Raman Kumar Sinha, "Queuing with Heterogeneous Users: Block Probability and Sojourn times", technical report.
- Veeraruna Kavitha and M. Venkateswara Rao K., "Performance Analysis of Serve on the Move Wireless LANs", technical report.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Atul Kumar and N. Hemachandra, "Finite Horizon Risk Sensitive MDP and Linear Programming", technical report.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Devanand R, Parmod Kumar, and Eitan Altman "User Response Based Recommendations: A Local Angle Approach" technical report.
- Ayush Rawal, Veeraruna Kavitha and Manu K. Gupta, "Optimal Surplus Capacity Utilization in Polling Systems via Fluid Models" technical report.
- Deeksha Sinha, Veeraruna Kavitha, and Abhay Karandikar, "Load Dependent Optimal ON-OFF Policies in Cellular Heterogeneous Networks", technical report.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, N. Hemachandra, Debayan Das, "Fairness via priority scheduling", technical report.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Tejas Bodas and D. Manjunath, "On-Demand OFDMA: Control, Fairness and Non-Cooperation" full version of paper submitted to WiOpt 2013.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Sreenath Ramanath and Eitan Altman, "Analysis of Pico Cells with Randomly wandering Users" full version of the paper submitted to WiOpt 2012.
- Sreenath Ramanath, Veeraruna Kavitha and Merouane Debbah, "Satisfying Demands in a Multicellular Network: An Universal Power Allocation Algorithm" full version of the paper submitted to WiOpt 2011.
- Sreenath Ramanath, Veeraruna Kavitha and Eitan Altman, "Impact of mobility on call block, call drops and optimal cell size in small cell networks", Full version of the paper submitted to PIMRC 2010.
- Sreenath Ramanath, Veeraruna Kavitha and Eitan Altman, "Spatial queueing analysis for mobility in pico cell networks" full version of the paper submitted to WiOpt 2010.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, Eitan Altman, Rachid Elazouzi, Rajesh Sundareshan, "Fair scheduling in cellular systems in the presence of noncooperative mobiles" full version of the paper submitted to Infocom 2010.
- Veeraruna Kavitha, "Optimal Wireless Equalizers" Ph.D. Thesis, IISc, India, Dec 2006.